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Building our Canoe Yawl

I first saw the plans of the canoe yawl 'Ethel' in an article in the 'Classic Boat' magazine. A series on the construction of this 13'yawl by the Falmouth Wooden Boat School was to run in the next few issues and follow the construction using stripped plank cedar. I searched for building plans with out success. I knew I did not have the skills or experience to work from the Geo. Holmes drawings. There were Otters and Nord Vindens but no sign of plans for the novice builder. Eventually I came across the design commissioned by Tom Dunderdale that went from 13'lod to 15' lod. Like Tom I wanted the 13' hull. In time I realised that the Paul Fishers 15' version, 'Lillie' was the nearest I was going to get to an 'Ethel' like canoe yawl. I ordered study plans which confirmed the design would do and there may be some load carrying advantage in the increased size. I had to balance this off against my desire for single handing ease. I ord

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